Saturday, December 1, 2012

#46, #101, #102, #226

#46: Have a piece composed for CES ensemble.
Another piece has come in for our school! This is from a composer in our town and featuring poems written by the students. It sounds fantastic and the kids will love it!

#101 & #102: Attend a CES game.
I went to two basketball games. In a row. That's eight quarters!

#226: Listen to NPR for a week.
This was fun because I got to listen to someone I went to high school with, and it was very informative. Unfortunately there is no music and just talk, so I got bored sometimes, especially when I would hear the same news story two or three times. A testament to driving too much, I guess. They also ruined a movie for me, giving away key scenes in Flight. I hate that. Also, finding a station that comes in consistently is annoying. I like NPR a lot (especially on weekends) even though it doesn't really sound like it from this post.