Tuesday, March 13, 2012

#123: Read a Novel

I feel like a piece of me was ripped out. Mockingjay was great, and I look forward to reading this series of books again in ten years. I finished a while ago and am now on to reading "Patrick Conway and his Famous Band" by Dr. Mark Fonder (!!)

Looking forward to Hunger Games in a few weeks. Until then, all I can do is have playing tests in band resemble the games. I feel a Quarter Quell coming on...

Friday, March 2, 2012

#122: Read a Novel

The second book in The Hunger Games: Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins. Read it on my kindle and finished it last night. Started the third right after. I am burning through these and am already sad that it's almost over. I almost want to take more time in between books but I can't! I'm looking forward to the movie too and am interested in how they look at characters that are in book one but pretty unimportant while making a bigger appearance in books two and three. Anyway, I plan on finishing Mockingjay (book three) in the car on the way to Connecticut. This has been a pretty successful vacation for my goals! Who knew?!