The Next 45

The Next 45
With absolutely no order so that the original numbering is not messed up.*

234. Deep Fry something that no one has deep fried
235. Learn the dance to single ladies
236-8. Watch the three Monty Python movies I haven't
239. Sing Carmina
240. Meet Jean Shaheen
241. Meet Kirsten Gillibrand
242. Give Recital at Plymouth State
243. Get my DAMN Oil Changed
244. Run a 5K
245-6. Visit two additional countries. (See #4-6)
247. Write a musical based on Animal Crossing
248. Have students perform above musical
249. See book of mormon
250. Watch the series Big Love in its entirety
251. Beat Pat's Temple Run
252. Be confident in my Skyriming
253. Beat Portal 2
254. Beat Portal 2 multiplayer with Pat
255. "Beat" Rocksmith
256. Start a Ukelele Class at Campton
257. Write a successful Grant to start Uke class
258-9. Have two more works written for CES (see #45-47)
260. Have a Nature themed concert
261. Attend Large Group and get an A rating
262. Attend Solo and Ensemble and have no students back out.
263. High Five Anderson Cooper (bonus for hug)
264. Go to the Patrick/Angela wedding!
265. Go to the Jill/Drew wedding!
266. Go to another wedding!
267. Hear a Voce concert
268. Move to a new condo
269-73. Read five more short stories (see #110-113)
274-5. Watch all episodes of two tv series
276. Become an Uncle again!
277. Get a kitten
278. Record a song for T104 for his birthday

*insert Pokedex reference here.