The List

This is the official up to date list! It has dates that items are completed in blue. It also has changes in red. If there is more than one item on the list (ie: "read four short stories") and I have only done part (in this case, only have read two) than it is indicated that way. I'm sure you can figure it out.

Places to Go (15)
1. Visit three states I've never been to 7/28/2011
2-3. Visit two states I've never been to
4-6. Visit three countries I've never been to 6/29/2011, 6/28/2012, 7/3/2012
7. Take a road trip 8/12/2011
8. Go to Disney World
9. Go to Clark's Trading Post
10. Go to a fair 8/4/2012
11. Visit Melanie in Connecticut 12/3/2011
12. Visit Jessica in Rochester, NY 8/6/2011
13. Visit Rachel in Maryland
14. Visit Jill in Seattle 7/28/2011
15. See family in Connecticut 5/2012

Music--Audience (7)
16. See a Broadway Show/play I haven't seen
17. See an opera I haven't seen 2/11/2012
18. See one symphony I've never seen
19. See Gustavo Dudamel conduct
20. Watch a community theater/college play 5/1/2011
21. Watch a community theater/college musical 3/12/2011
22. Attend an Eastern Connecticut Symphony Chorus concert (or Voce) 12/3/2011

Music--Performance/Practice (15)
23. Learn to play guitar well enough to accompany a music class
24. Improve drum set playing skills 5/9/11
25. Perform the Saint-Saens sonata 2/2011
26-27. Be in two musicals 1/2011, 1/2012
28. Be in a musical
29. Conduct a festival band or chorus
30. Personal
31. Sing my favorite hymn at church (Come to the Lakeshore) 1/9/2011
32. Perform at Carnegie Hall
33. Sing at a Christmas Eve service 12/24/2011
34. Start a Benefit concert for eighth grade class 2/24/2011
35-36. Direct two musicals 4/8/2011, 4/11/2012
37. Play Milde every day for one month

Composition (15)

38. Compose original piece for band
39. Compose original piece for chorus
40. Compose original piece for chamber ensemble 11/30/2011
41. Arrange piece for band 4/18/2011
42. Arrange piece for chorus
43. Arrange piece for chamber ensemble 1/4/2011
44. Write an article for a magazine/journal
45-46. Have two pieces written for C.E.S. 5/2012, 11/2012
47. Have a work written for C.E.S.
48. Write and use a song in general music class 1/15/2011
49-52. Write and use 4 songs in general music class

Politics (3)
53. Vote in 2012 Election
54. Work on a political campaign 8/19/2012
55. Find Republican Congressional Candidate I like (2012) 7/25/2012

Finances (16)
56-58. Invest in three stocks
59. Open Roth IRA
60. Save $10,000
61. Buy a new computer
62. Buy jumper cables
63. Buy a new car
64. Buy a new phone 2/28/2011
65. Buy a new ringtone
66. Get picture for mom by her favorite artist
67. Buy new black concert shoes 8/7/2012
68. Buy new cufflinks 12/25/2011
69. Buy a new suit
70. Buy a computer desk that doesn't wobble so much
71. Donate $1 to charity of choice for every unfinished item after 999 days

Health + Fitness (12)
72. Join a gym
73. Take a fun class at the gym
74. Do a Wii Fit weigh in ("wii-in") every day for a month
75. Get my tonsils removed
76-78. Personal
79. Play tennis
80. Work out three times a week for two weeks in a row
81. Don't drink soda for a week
82. Take a snowboarding lesson
83. Go to the dentist

Presidential Mountain Range (13)

84. Hike Mt. Washington
85. Hike Mt. Webster
86. Hike Mt. Jackson
87. Hike Mt. Pierce
88. Hike Mt. Monroe
89. Hike Mt. Adams
90. Hike Mt. Sam Adams
91. Hike Mt. Quincy Adams
92. Hike Mt. Eisenhower
93. Hike Mt. Franklin
94. Hike Mt. Madison
95. Hike Mt. Jefferson
96. Hike Mt. Clay/Mt. Reagan

Sports (8)

97. Go to a celtics game
98. Go to a college football game
99. Go to a hockey game
100-102. Attend three C.E.S. Games and stay there the whole time 9/30/2011, 11/28/2012, 11/28/2012
103-104. Attend four C.E.S. Games  and stay there the whole time

Literature  (25)
105. Read a biography 4/20/2012
106-109. Read four biographies
110-112. Read three short stories I've never read 1/14/2011, 3/6/2011, 4/29/2011
113. Read one short story I've never read
114. Read The Lottery by Shirley Jackson
115. Read a play [plays I'm in don't count] 7/11/2011
116-119. Read four plays [plays I'm in don't count]
120-3. Read four novels 8/28/2011, 2/28/2012, 3/1/2012, 3/4/3
124-129. Read six novels

TV and Movies (13)

130. Watch all episodes of Mad Men
131. Watch complete series of Six Feet Under
132. Watch The Godfather
133. Watch The Godfather: Part II
134. Watch The Godfather: Part III
135. Watch Lord of the Rings
136. Watch Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
137. Watch Lord of the Rings: Return of the King
138. Watch White Christmas and It's a Wonderful Life
139. Watch Casablanca
140. Watch Gone with the Wind
141. Watch The Maltese Falcon
142. Watch The Last Brick Layer in America 1/21/2011

Appearance + Cleanliness (7)

143. Grow a beard 1/31/2011
144. Get a professional shave
145. Get a haircut 4/23/2011
146. Clean out my car
147. Clean the entire house
148. Get Tuxedo dry cleaned 6/24/2011
149. Get car washed

Food (19)

150. Go to The Sugar Shack 6/26/2011
151-154. Go to four restaurants I've never been to 6/23/2011, 7/4/2011, 7/5/2011, 7/6/2011
155. Find a red wine that I like 7/30/2011
156. Find a white wine that I like 3/27/2011
157-9. Try four new recipes 1/8/2011, 7/28/2011, 8/1/2011, 1/15/2012
161-166. Try six new recipes
167. Eat a Garbage Plate 8/7/2011
168. Try a new kind of sushi 4/14/2011

Technology (3)

169. Start a Blog 1/3/2011
170. Delete 100 facebook friends 4/25/2011
171. Have a facebook free month 4/23--5/23/2012

Education (36)
172. Earn at least 15 credits toward masters degree
173. Update Resume 4/28/2011
174. Attend Mid West
175. Attend IDRS (and actually go to workshops that will help me)
176-185. Learn ten new words
186-195. Learn ten new Spanish verbs
196. Learn how to skate backwards 4/1/2011
197. Get a 100 on an eighth grade science test
198-205. Go to eight museums 6/8/2011, 6/8/2011, 7/8/2011, 7/27/2011, 7/31/2011, 8/7/2011, 7/2/2012, 7/13/2012
206-207. Go to two museums

Relationships (9)
208. Be in a relationship on Valentine's Day
209. Personal
210. Personal
211. Personal
212-216. Make five new friends

Miscellaneous (17)
217. Learn how to drive a stick shift
218. Build a square snowman
219. Attend a taping of a TV show
220. Ride in a limo
221. Win a Trivia Night
222. Host a dinner party 
223. Hear Emma (my niece) say my name 5/24/2012
224. See a moose in the wild 9/1/2011
225. Be in a wedding party 8/7/2011
226. Listen to only NPR for a week 11/29/2012
227. Ride horse back and send picture to Mr. Tortorici
228. Get C.E.S. piano tuned 10/15/2011
229. Become a VP of MPE (change: present at the MPE conference) 8/11/2011
230. Carve a Jack-o-Lantern
231. Use all of my personal days 4/11/2011
232. Complete a jigsaw puzzle 4/1/2011
233. Complete Hard Rock Cafe pin board 4/1/2011

The Next 45 (45 Goals added on Day 333)

234. Deep Fry something that no one has deep fried
235. Learn the dance to single ladies
236-8. Watch the three Monty Python movies I haven't
239. Sing Carmina
240. Meet Jean Shaheen
241. Meet Kirsten Gillibrand
242. Give Recital at Plymouth State
243. Get my DAMN Oil Changed 1/17/2012
244. Run a 5K

245. Visit another country. (See #4-6) 6/28/2012
246. Visit another country. (See #4-6)
247. Write a musical based on Animal Crossing
248. Have students perform above musical
249. See Book of Mormon
250. Watch the series Big Love in its entirety 1/1/2012
251. Beat Pat's Temple Run
252. Be confident in my Skyriming
253. Beat Portal 2
254. Beat Portal 2 multiplayer with Pat 4/25/2012
255. "Beat" Rocksmith
256. Start a Ukelele Class at Campton
257. Write a successful Grant to start Uke class
258-9. Have two more works written for CES (see #45-47)
260. Have a Nature themed concert 5/23/2012
261. Attend Large Group and get an A rating
262. Attend Solo and Ensemble and have no students back out.
263. High Five Anderson Cooper (bonus for hug)
264. Go to the Patrick/Angela wedding!
265. Go to the Jill/Drew wedding!
266. Go to another wedding! 6/2012
267. Hear a Voce concert
268. Move to a new condo 1/1/2012
269-73. Read five more short stories (see #110-113)
274-5. Watch all episodes of two tv series
276. Become an Uncle again!
277. Get a kitten
278. Record a song for T104 for his birthday

Adding Items (45)
279-323. Add 45 more goals at day 666

Instant Goals (10)
324: Eat sushi off of a conveyer belt 7/29/2011
325. Get All the Recordings from Ithaca College of Ensembles that I was in 8/9/2011
326. Make a Basket in a Basket Ball Game 2/24/2012
327. Go to a Ballet. 7/13/2012
326. Stand Behind a Politician 8/2/2012
327-333. Instant Goals!