Monday, August 20, 2012

#67: Buy New Concert Shoes

Am I cheating because these are the shoes that are for Patrick's wedding? No, I'm not. I make the rules to this stupid blog, not you, Will.

#54: Work on a Political Campaign

Hung out with my new friend Paula on Sunday and canvased for Obama. This consists of knocking on specific doors of independent voters and asking them who they are planning on supporting for the 2012 elected.

Whew, was it exciting!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

#10: Go to a Fair.

I went with Jenny and Lisa to the Wolfboro Hospital Fair. This is one of those goals that I said, "Oh! This is a goal!" Totally forgot about it. Anyway, we went to Bubble's and got pizza and watched MLP:FiM which is everything I wanted to do and nothing to do with the fair. We also saw Carnie Drama (should be a TLC show) and got yelled at for spinning too fast on the "Berry Go Round/Spin the Apple" ride. There was a long conversation about the title of the ride, and looking back on it, I'm remembering the two girls as drunk even though they were completely sober. They were both tired. We also saw a Carnie with a face tattoo. I really wanted to take a picture. I didn't.

#326: Stand behind politician! (Instant Goal)

Have you ever watched a candidate speak and have seen all of those people behind them? THAT WAS ME! Behind Michelle Obama! 
I'm the one right by the demonic high school teacher. Actually, his tallness got us INTO that position! Michelle hates short people.